Congratulations to Raymond and Donna Richard at 8507 Brook Mill Drive for being awarded Yard of the Week by the Lewisville Beautification Committee on June 24.
Congratulations to Barbara and Stan Henley at 216 Lakeway Drive for being awarded Yard of the Week by the Lewisville Beautification Committee on May 28.
Click Here to view the list of the exciting, upcoming classes and programs at the Mary Alice Warren Community Center for June 2024. Click Here to be added to the Mary Alice Warren Community Center
In honor of Memorial Day, Town Hall will be closed on Monday, May 27, 2024. There will be a one-day delay on all trash routes the week of Memorial Day. This is a day that we remember the heroes who
Important Update: Movie Night Postponed until May 24, 2024 Unfortunately, our scheduled Starlight Movie Night showing of Jurassic Park has been postponed due to weather concerns. The rain date is next
The Town of Lewisville is pleased to announce the hiring of Stacy Tolbert as the next Town Manager. About: Stacy has served the Town of Lewisville since 2018 when she was hired as a town planner. She
Congratulations to Fran and Mike Richardson at 1112 Fawnbrook Road for being awarded Yard of the Week by the Lewisville Beautification Committee on April 29.
Click Here to view the list of the exciting, upcoming classes and programs at the Mary Alice Warren Community Center for May 2024. Click Here to be added to the Mary Alice Warren Community Center
Congratulations to Lynn and Steve Whitley at 7158 Reynolds Mill Circle for being awarded Yard of the Week by the Lewisville Beautification Committee on April 14.
Notice is hereby given that the Town of Lewisville Town Council will hold a public hearing on the FY 2024-2025 Budget proposal on Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 6:00 PM. The meeting will be held in the
The Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 has been published. Visit 2024-2025 Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025
The Lewisville Town Council will hold a special meeting on Monday, April 15, 2024 at 6:00 PM at Lewisville Town Hall. The only purpose of the meeting is for a closed session pursuant to NCGS 143-318